Or Williams is a multidisciplinary artist and performer based in the UK. Her work incorporates a low-res imagery and aesthetic, constructs of Digital and New-Media tools, code, photography, installation, video and performance. Combining these mediums with social media, she explores her own place as a middle-aged woman while communicates her ideas and criticism of the notion of perfection, in particular the pursue of an ideal of perfection that constantly change.

Or Williams’ practice is predominantly acknowledged by its confessional nature. As a surgeon of images, Or remove huge chunks of data from the digital file, as if she was removing organs or tissues from one’s body. This act which resonates with her  recent surgical experience, results in glitching and distorting in the original file and turning it into a reflection of her physical and mental state. Williams no longer recognises her body and mind. She also seems to forget that not long ago she used to be “normal”. Folds and tips, discolorations and deformations took over her sponge-like body, a new muppet version of herself. 




Artist led workshops
Art performances and video
&Co - Art collective