A Dream of an Absent Mind

2020. HD Video. Duration: 0:36
New Media, Generative Code, Spoken Word

A Dream of an Absent Mind (2020) is a single channel, 0:36 second video piece and spoken word. Generated using python generative code as a means of animating a manipulated self-portrait. Created using a neural information processing system in which a video sequence is used to drive a static image. The animated video was then edited using Adobe Premiere green screen to add the effect of the swimming fish. The audio was created using Text to Speech online.


A Dream of an Absent Mind/Text

I often dream of domestic objects, trapped
under a pile of childhood memories
I thought I forgot, fighting
to get back onto the physical world. 

Like a wind chime, reflecting rays of sunlight,
glimpse of colour, texture or sound,
attempt to push a hidden image
onto the surface of my awakeness.

I then rise up of my slumber,
wrap the objects with newspapers
and send them back
into the darkness of my subconscious,

Where they can spend the next thirty years.

Or disappear forever.


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Dystopia of The Mind, 2020